There's a feeling that Latinos would need to start causing harm in order to survive errant police encounters. It wouldn’t be surprising to many. We would just be fulfilling stereotypical expectations. That seems to be the only way to stay alive these days if you are Latino in this situation. Have we become so stagnant in our desire to be equal that we allow institutions to take advantage of us being disengaged?… Because, that’s what’s happening! Hardly anyone is speaking out on police attacks on Latinos but the world is up in arms when black lives are in danger and it’s no one’s fault but our own Raza!
The world stage has exhibited some of the most terrifying acts on humanity and at the same time, exposed some of our biggest hypocrisies in the last year. Paris showed us all how biased our outrage is though. It sparked a brief discussion on how traditionally white countries “get more play” from people’s hearts than countries of color like Palestine and especially Mexico.
This piece is prompted by recent events where a Planned Parenthood in Colorado was under siege by an Anglo gunman and actually killed 3 people (one being a Law Enforcement Officer). Luckily for the shooter, he survived the encounter and was not murdered like so many Latinos have been during their involvements with police. There is a deep seeded issue here though. When examining the racial dynamic involved, the same hypocrisy that was exposed on the world stage can be found in these individual events from within the U.S. and within the Latino community especially.
Many of us are quick to blame the victims of police...