"Angel Tenez is the former Executive Director of Unity Corps, Inc. and one of the organizers of La Gran Marcha, the largest protest demonstration in U.S. history."
SAN ANTONIO - As I sit here writing in this Texas hotel room contemplating what to say regarding the ten year anniversary of La Gran Marcha this week, I can not help but to think of how this major historic event compares to the protest demonstrations being seen around our nation today. Certainly, many of the issues are all still the same. There's still that talk of building a wall with Mexico. There's still a pernicious overriding anger from many diverse factions of U.S. society on a number of various fronts. Issues such as the hateful rhetoric and undue outward violence being exhibited toward Latinos and other immmigrant groups; liberal activists protesting about police brutality and the wrongful killings of blacks 'and Latinos'; the loss of American jobs to Mexico; trading imbalances with China; and such.
What is different from the protest demonstrations of 2006 to those that are being seen around the U.S. today, is the level of violence that is taking place at these public events.
Whereas La Gran Marcha which drew roughly 1.25 million people in 2006 to become the largest mass demonstration 'ever' in the history of the United States - and it had not even one single arrest. A typical rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will have some few thousands of people to be marred by violence and civil unrest. Oh, and there's one other similarity. Most of the fury is being spurred by non-progressive rhetoric.
Beyond the scope of the U.S. immigration debate and a pronounced fear of many in the...